The Marys are thrilled to welcome a true wine dynamo and new friend to the pod! Meet Philana Bouvier. She’s the President of Napa Valley-based Demeine Estates, whose impressive portfolio includes Heitz Cellar, Burgess, Stony Hill, as well as international wineries Champagne Legras & Haas, Domaine de Montille, Racine, La Chablisienne, Ca Rome, and more across France and Italy.

At Demeine Estates, Philana is super lucky to work closely with Master Sommelier Carlton McCoy Jr. – a true wine celebrity who hosts his own show on CNN, Nomad. Philana also works tirelessly to raise up women and minorities, creating more diversity and opportunity for those already working in and those new to the wine industry.
We salute her efforts! Learn all about it as we have a delightful conversation, best savored on a “self-care Saturday.” What’s that you ask? Tune in to find out why you’ll want to add this to your weekly routine.