Beth Costa and Marcy Gordon
Want to know the inside tracks, the backroads and the best bets of the Russian River Valley, Dry Creek Valley and Alexander Valley in northern Sonoma County? We got you!
Our guests today co-host the popular, fun and informative award-winning podcast, The Wine Road. As they say, it’s all about the wine when and where of Sonoma County.

Marcy Gordon and Beth Costa are podcast pros! They’ve done 180+ episodes, extolling the delights of northern Sonoma County, from the redwood forests, the diverse growing regions, picturesque valleys and charming downtowns. Tune in and you’ll learn about engaging wine personalities, incredible experiences and a diverse culinary culture.

Recently Marcy and Beth hosted us, the Marys on an episode of The Wine Road. ICYMI listen here.
It’s great to support other podcasters in the wine space and we sure had lots of laughs doing it. Join us for everything you wanted to know – and didn’t know you needed to know – about northern Sonoma County along The Wine Road.