If you’re like us, you’ve been holding on to a special bottle of wine that someone gave you to celebrate a wedding, a birthday, an anniversary, or, you’ve squirreled away the bottle you splurged on when you visited a winery on a vacation.
Every time you come across that bottle and entertain the idea of opening it, you say, nah, I’m saving it for a special occasion. What if that special occasion, fantastic dinner or celebration never comes? Wouldn’t it be sad if you waited to open that bottle and it was over the hill?
Well we’ve got a remedy for that! In this episode of Sip Sip Hooray! we talk about a fabulous event called Open That Bottle Night. Tune in to find out what it is all about and how to join in our Open That Bottle Night (OTBN) challenge!
Share your OBTN stories with us, and we’ll share them on the air. Email us, and be sure to include a photo of you (and others who joined in) and that special bottle. Or give us a call and leave a message at (641) 715-3900 and enter extension 875529#. Say your name, contact information and where you are located in case we want to get in touch. Then, tell us your OTBN story. And of course, you can share on social media: On the Gram and on Facebook. We can’t wait to hear about the wine you pulled the cork on!
Dorothy J. Gaiter on how she and John Brecher created Open That Bottle Night.